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HTML Static websites custom made for every user

The general impression is that static websites are more in the traditional style of designing as opposed to dynamic websites that are more recent and much more modern in execution.

But fact is static websites have their pluses and minuses. It is important for a business to examine them closely before deciding on the style of designing that they feel is better suited. For one static websites are much easier to design in comparison with dynamic websites and also cost lesser too. Thus the static websites are ideal for small businesses and startups. Trouble is static websites are not always easily scalable if the need be and incorporating changes is not as simple as with dynamic websites. A few decades ago, HTML was the only language that designers could use to design static websites till server side languages came along.

This meant that lesser and lesser people used static websites with dynamic websites based on PHP and ASP ruling the roost. But in recent times, static websites have made a glorious comeback powered by frameworks like Javascript. This in turn has made static websites much more dynamic than before and brought them back into circulation. This and a couple of developments in technology has made static websites a viable option again. Aapta offers to design HTML static websites for it’s customers as part of it’s customised business solutions.

The HTML language based static websites that Aapta designs are as dynamic as they come. Because these static websites are actually designed to be responsive and work just fine with personal computers and mobile devices. Which in itself is a departure from how traditional static websites have been known to function. And a pleasant departure at that. The user gets to have up till six pages of web content on this HTML static site which should be sufficient for most purposes. We can add upto ten stock images to the site as per your wish and instructions.

That apart, this service is also inclusive of a custom designed webpage where the users can fill in and submit their information. As part of the service, Aapta’s team will also help configure an email to be used by the customer for this static website. It is important for the user to have a few things in place before this HTML static portal is readied. An existing hosting provider and a domain will be top of the list. This is help us to upload everything related to the HTML static website on to the hosting spac without any hassles. On the HTML static website of yours if you would like to integrate an icon that you need (read Favicon) we can make sure that is done too. Your wish, but always is our command.

Now the support (both technical & customer) that you get from Aapta, once this HTML static portal is up and running, will be for an entire year. This is not a monthly renewal service. In other words, the 6000 INR (which is about $100) that you pay towards the service should keep things ticking for a whole year.

But do bear in mind that this HTML static website that Aapta designs for you does NOT include any content that might need to be written and if there is, it will be a separate cost. And no, this service does not come with an option for logo designing which we can very well do. Only it will be charged for,again separately.

So stop wasting your hard earned money on old and jaded website designs and get this HTML based static site from Aapta. You will not regret it.

Buy service for INR 6000 here

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