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Personal Branding – What is it all about?

Let us begin at the beginning. Be it an advertising campaign or a marketing strategy, the main intention behind it can be aptly summed in just three words – creating a buzz. Now this buzz could be centred around a person, product or business even. Once sufficient curiosity has been generated and one has been able to draw enough eyeballs, the job of an advertising professional is pretty much over. More often than not, the right buzz can rev up sales and convince a customer to try it out at least once. Beyond that, the product should speak for itself. What if it does not? How does one ensure that the customer keeps coming back for more? Enter branding.

Like with advertising and marketing, it is possible, to sum up branding in three words too. And those words are – creating a niche. Creating a niche requires the unique selling points of any product or business to be highlighted and showcased in order to attract a potential customer. Branding when compared with marketing requires much more time to be able to materialise and needs a concerted effort on the part of the branding consultants for it to work. The big plus here is that branding ensures recall value and leads to customer loyalty. But what if there are established brands out there in the market already selling the product that you want to? Enter personal branding.

Before you begin with Personal branding, you need to do all the homework possible which is why hiring professional consultants is a good idea. Using market research and analysis, these experts will be able to gather all information related to the competition that is already out there. And it will help a great deal if you as an entrepreneur or business owner are crystal clear about your strengths and objectives. Once all the due diligence has been done and the necessary background work has been completed, it is extremely important to get a Logo designed. Why? Because just like you are the face of your company, a Logo is the face of your brand. A logo creates a powerful and unique identity for your brand that customer can recognise and relate to. From the style to the colours used, the size or the images that a Logo contains seeks to convey the core values that a business or product stands by.

Imagine if you were curious about a particular brand or product and wanted to know more about it before deciding to invest in it. And what if you went online and did a search on the product that drew a blank or very little information that was of use. It would not make a good first impression. At all. Which is exactly why personal branding consultants make use of as many social media platforms as possible to create that personalised image of you that will be admired. From a customised, user-friendly website to an impressive business profile on Linkedin, an interactive Twitter Handle to uploading videos on all the popular online forums, they are all designed to create a niche. For you and the business that you are trying to run. After a sustained and diligent campaign, your personal branding will start paying dividends and that is when the real challenge begins. Yes, you heard it right. Personal branding is a commitment for life and requires twice the amount of effort to sustain the brand once it has been established.

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