Why social influence is key to SEO marketing
One of the most underrated tools for marketing a product or service on the internet is that of social influence. Also known as social proof, it is a powerful way of winning the confidence of a customer by letting them know what some others think of it. The others could include your peers, your happy […]
The world’s best social networking platform just got better
One of the biggies when it comes to search engines in terms of usage and preference is Google. The formula (read algorithm) that is used by Google for searching what a user is looking for changes hundreds of times in a single year. Last year, the company updated this algorithm thereby giving more weightage to […]
Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Important or Not
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a term used in marketing that describes the visibility in unpaid search engine results. It has technical as well as creative elements needed to improve rankings, drive web traffic, and increase awareness in search engines. SEO is just like a bridge that connects the words we type on web to the websites […]
Find your search right away: Google Search
The most famous search engine today is Google. A lot of people use it but very less people know about the formal instructions for searching right away using the search engine Google. There are various ways to reach out to Google and also there are different Google websites. There is an easier way to use Google that is […]
Pay per click – marketing services solution
Pay per click (PPC) is a way of advertising through internet to bring web traffic where advertisers pay the website owner whenever an ad is clicked. It is defined as the expenditure for getting an advertisement clicked. Websites charge a price for every click instead of using a system of bidding. Various ways of display type advertisements are […]