How to mark your presence on Facebook with Aapta
Everyone who is on the internet, everyone who does business online and everyone who knows a thing or two about internet trends will agree that when it comes to social media, Facebook is big. Just how big is Facebook and what makes it indispensable when it comes to online business? You might know that there […]
At Aapta we make every Tweet count
Let us consider the stats. On any given day, Twitter you have users posting about a mindboggling 5000 plus tweets every single second. And that, mind you is an average count. We are not even mentioning those tweets that go viral and make followers go ballistic retweeting. Now if you do the math that is […]
Get instant results every time with Instagram
A more recent social media platform that has grabbed attention and steadily gained in popularity in the last six years since it’s inception is Instagram. The idea was a result of the versatile features that mobile phones started offering of which an inbuilt camera was top of the heap. Though initially many of these mobile […]
Rule the roost on social media with Aapta
Marketing has changed in form many times in the last century. The first and probably still the best marketing tool is word of mouth publicity, the essence of this being that the product or service speaks for itself and it relies completely on how well the target audience receive it. Then you had these door […]