Marketing has changed in form many times in the last century. The first and probably still the best marketing tool is word of mouth publicity, the essence of this being that the product or service speaks for itself and it relies completely on how well the target audience receive it.
Then you had these door to door salesmen which became a part of what got termed as direct marketing where you reached out to the people directly and literally so. With advances in science and technology began a trend of using the hottest invention of that era, the telephone. Thus started tele marketing which is a preferred and very popular marketing tool to this day. Offline marketing also included printing material for the purpose of publicity like flyers, posters and banners. The advent and consequent popularity of the internet and mobile telephony gave rise to online marketing.
Today online marketing tools like SEO and social media marketing are as important to any business as that which is done offline. With majority of the internet users spending hours on Apps of social media (like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) rather than surfing websites, it becomes pertinent for marketing professionals to focus on social media more than anything else. That is why Aapta has marked out a service that deals exclusively with social media marketing.
As part of the service on offer, Aapta gives it’s users a virtual plethora of features. The social media management tools work on the key operative word ‘automated’ The idea is to use a software that spares you the time, effort and pain of making manual updates about your business on various social media platforms. Bear in mind that there is a possibility of users having multiple social media accounts for ease of conducting business.
So it can all get a little tedious, this whole process. Instead by Aapta automating things using a tool you can concentrate on more pressing matters, like making more moolah. So while the tool will schedule posts on multiple Facebook accounts, the corresponding tool for Instagram can be set to post your photos at a pre decided time and date. And so it is with other automated tools for Google Plus and Twitter too. If you are wanting to post to all popular social media platforms and not anyone in particular, Aapta provides users with the all in one tool.
All these updates done with one click only and Aapta also sends you detailed reports about it all on a daily basis. Or if you would like them to be sent every week rather than every day, so be it. The bottomline, you are kept abreast of how things are going. At all times.
Please do bear in mind that the Social media management tools that Aapta is offering users as part of this service are all designed to do one thing only – do your social media updates, every single one of them, with efficiency and without fail. So if you are looking to optimise your social media accounts on whichever platform, this is not the service to subscribe to.
Most services on Aapta are on month on month payment basis but the social media management services (read tools) are available to all customers of Aapta for a life time, Meaning that once have paid a $100 for this service (Rs INR 6000) you will not have to make any further payments. And if you thought posting is all that you got as part of the service, users will also get analytical tools that will help understand business trends better.
Master social media to become the master of your business with Aapta.